April 8, 2021
Dear Baldwin Community Schools Families,
Baldwin Community Schools has received notification that an individual who had been present at Baldwin Elementary School has a positive Covid-19 case. Students who are in the classroom of the positive case will be learning remotely for 14 days as a precaution.
While students and staff are wearing masks and following social distancing protocols, the students in the elementary classroom are also eating together and having recess together, so there is high probability that all students in the same class may be considered close contacts due to being cohorted throughout the day.
Please continue to monitor your students for symptoms that are new, different, or worse than normal. The safety, health, and well-being of our students, staff, and community continues to be our priority.
Reminder to All - Please Stay Home If You Are Sick
Students with any of the following symptoms (new/different/worse) should stay home:
· Temperature of 100.4 and above or signs of fever (chills/sweating)
· Sore throat
· New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing
· Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
· New onset of severe headache
· Sudden new loss of taste or smell
We do not plan to send a new letter or make a robocall every time we have a case. We will be updating information on our website (www.baldwin.k12.mi.us). We are also asking parents to download the Baldwin Community School’s App so you can receive notice via text or phone call. You will need to opt in to receive these services.
Rick Heitmeyer