Welcome to Baldwin Junior-Senior High School. The entire school staff is dedicated to student success and we are focused on adding opportunities and supports for our students. COVID presented many challenges to the district over the last two years and the challenge for our staff and school is to take the lessons learned and enrich our curricular and extra-curricular offerings and educational supports beyond what has been "normal" in past years. We look forward to working with our parents/guardians and community to deliver the changes necessary to create a positive climate that encourages student success and engagement.
Seventeen years ago I started at Baldwin with the enormous responsibility of teaching English after Cynthia Fitz's untimely passing and spent the last twelve years as the school counselor. I have worked with hundreds of students over the years and will bring the same dedication to the role of Principal. I hope to bring stability, leadership, and a focus on building a culture and climate dedicated to learning to the secondary building.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

Stewart D. Nasson, Principal
Baldwin Junior-Senior High School