Will all school employees have the Covid-19 vaccination before the students return to class?
District Health Department #10 offered the vaccine for our staff. The District cannot require anyone to get the vaccine; however, all staff who work at the school with our students have had the opportunity to do so.
Will substitute teachers be tested before allowing them to teach within the district?
Substitute teachers will not be required to be tested prior to teaching, but we will ask them (as all adults who enter the building) to complete the symptoms check prior to entering the school.
Will the students be screened and temperature checked every day before entering the building?
We are asking parents to screen their children on a daily basis.
With an expected return date of March 1, will the school calendar be updated and resubmitted to the community?
We will release a visual calendar to assist our families with planning!
Will classes be held every day of the week?
Students and teachers will meet for instruction and learning every day. Remote learning check–in times for students will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. In person classes will be provided on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and the school day will be from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday will be what is called an asynchronous day and students will not meet in person with staff, but virtual learners will check in with their teachers.
Will meals be provided? How will they be handled?
Breakfasts and lunches will be provided daily. Students in person will be able to eat at school. The elementary will eat in their classes and the secondary will eat lunch in the cafeteria. Breakfasts and lunches for Wednesday will be provided on Tuesday for students to take home with them. Students who are learning virtually will have the opportunity to pick up their meals at the school. When school is in session, the resources will not be available to continue delivering meals. A schedule has not been developed yet.
How will social distancing be handled in the classroom?
Every attempt will be made for students to stay six feet apart in the school.
How will social distancing be enforced with bathroom use?
Public bathrooms will have urinals and sinks closed to provide extra spacing.
How will social distancing be enforced on the school buses?
Yates Dial–a–Ride, the company which provides our transportation services, will position students on the bus to ensure distancing. Families will most likely sit together on the bus.
What happens if Covid–19 is contracted within a classroom, building, district?
Baldwin Community Schools will follow the CDC guidelines with relation to students or staff contracting Covid–19.
Has live streaming of classes been considered? Is it an option?
We are looking at an option using Meeting Owls in the classroom. This is a new tool and we are working on training for it. We want to do everything we can to allow all students to participate in learning on a daily basis.
How will the virtual students have access to the teachers when they’re in class all day each day?
Students will be able to meet with their teachers from 8:30 to 9:25 each school day. Students will be able to email their teachers, as well, but teachers will be teaching “in-person” during the remainder of the day, so the opportunity to connect will be limited. Teachers will answer all texts, email messages, and phone calls.
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